
• 2 ripe avocados
• 1 lime or lemon, juiced
• 1 clove garlic, minced
• salt, to taste

Optional Ingredients

• chopped tomatoes
• jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped
• diced onion
• Sriracha sauce
• cumin, to taste
• bacon
• cilantro
• roasted corn
• chopped mango

Cut avocado in half and gently twist apart to reveal seed. Holding the avocado firmly in one hand, use the other hand to firmly strike the seed with a large knife, gently twist the knife to remove the pit.

With a small pairing knife score the flesh in both halves in a hatch mark pattern to but not through the skin. Scoop out the pieces with a spoon into a small bowl. Mash with a fork to desired consistency.

Stir in citrus juice, garlic and optional ingredients. Mix well and salt to taste. Transfer to serving dish and enjoy.