Monthly Archives: January 2020

Jan. Produce Parable, Frieda Caplan, The Kiwi Queen

By |2020-01-29T19:04:14-06:00January 29th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

January 2020 Produce Parable Frieda Caplan, The Kiwi Queen By Adam Calder In 1923, a pair of Russian immigrants living in Hyland Park, Los Angeles, gave birth to a little girl named Frieda. Unbeknownst to anyone, this little girl would grow up to become a pioneering leader in the produce industry at a time [...]

2020 CSA Fair

By |2020-02-12T14:50:02-06:00January 23rd, 2020|Categories: Blog|

Saturday, February 15, 1-4pm Wheatsfield Community Room Stop by our annual CSA Fair to learn more about CSAs, meet local CSA farmers and sign-up for their 2020 offerings. Farms Attending: Heritage Hill Farm, Ames Joygrow Mushrooms, Ogden Lee's Greens, Nevada Mustard Seed Community Farm, Ames Raccoon Forks Farm, Red Field Root to Rise Farm, [...]

Top 20 Wellness Products for 2020

By |2020-01-16T10:30:55-06:00January 7th, 2020|Categories: Blog|

It’s been a busy year in the Wellness Department, with several new body care, supplement, and sustainable product lines added to our set. Read on to see which ones made the list! Kim McDermott, Wheatsfield's Wellness Manager 'Lord, My Hands are so Dry!' Wild Carrot This lotion was inspired by [...]

January Change for Community: Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation

By |2019-12-27T12:59:16-06:00January 1st, 2020|Categories: Blog, Co-op Nickel|

Protect the Iowa you love! The Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation (INHF) is a statewide 501 (c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization that works with private landowners and public agencies to protect and restore Iowa’s land, water and wildlife. Since it's founding in 1979, INHF members and staff have protected more than 175,000 acres of Iowa’s natural [...]

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