Monthly Archives: April 2021


By |2021-04-29T15:30:37-05:00April 29th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

WATERCRESS Article provided by Co+op, Welcome to the Table, where you can find more articles, recipes, and great reasons to Co+op! Don't let the delicate demeanor of watercress fool you. It's a potently flavorful plant and a nutritional powerhouse. Along with radish and wasabi, watercress is a member of the mustard family, and it [...]

April 2021 Produce Parable

By |2021-04-22T15:01:52-05:00April 22nd, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Go on a Ramp-age By Adam Calder Wheatsfield Produce Manager Eating a ramp is one of springtime’s simple, fleeting pleasures. Ramps (Allium tricoccum) are one of the first foods to emerge from the ground each spring. They can be found growing on bluffs alongside streams, in rich woodland soil or in colluvium (rain-washed sediments [...]

DIY Beeswax Food Wraps

By |2021-04-20T17:27:30-05:00April 20th, 2021|Categories: Recipes|Tags: , , , , , , , |

How to Make Beeswax Food Wraps Supplies Squares of fabric Beeswax bars or Beeswax pastilles Kitchen grater (for wax bars) Iron Parchment paper Kitchen towels Scissors Step 1: Cut your squares. Any cotton fabric will work. This is a great way to use up scraps of fabric, or you can create some fun designs [...]

Plastic Free Produce Storage

By |2021-04-21T11:55:10-05:00April 19th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

HELPFUL TIPS FOR EXTENDING THE LIFE OF YOUR PRODUCE • Make sure not to mix fruits & veggies Fruits emit ethylene as they ripen; pairing them with veggies will result in premature spoilage. • Keep produce cool Low temps slow the rate of respiration, which in turn keeps the item fresher, longer. • Avoid [...]

Earth Week Activities at the Co-op

By |2022-04-13T16:38:12-05:00April 14th, 2021|Categories: Blog|

Earth Week Activities at the Co-op! April 18-23, Earth Month themed activities, sustainably geared information, and giveaways culminating in our Earth Day Bulk Sale! Monday, April 26, 10am Event: Clean Up Around the Co-op NO RSVP NEEDED! Join Co-op Staff to Stash the Trash around the Co-op in honor of [...]

April 2021, Word From the Board

By |2021-04-14T14:08:01-05:00April 13th, 2021|Categories: Blog|Tags: , |

Casey Szymanski Board of Directors Spring Has Finally Arrived, and here at Wheatsfield we are anticipating more local produce and the celebration of Earth Day next week! Did you know environmental responsibility is one of our co-op’s core values? And more than just a day-long celebration, our store embodies a commitment to sustainability throughout [...]

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