Earth Day Organic SaleSaturday, April 22

This year Earth Week ends with our annual Earth Day Organic Sale! Member-owners save 10% on certified organic products – 99% of our produce will be on sale!  Non-members save 5%. Save off regular prices.

Stop by from 10am-4pm to attend a mini eco-fair in our parking lot, meet with local vendors and sample their products, sign-up for giveaways and more! More updates Monday, April 17
Mini Eco-Fair in our Parking Lot: 
10am-4pm: City of Ames, Smart Watershed, Paint a Rain Barrel!
10pm: Rain Barrels of Iowa – Learn About Rain Barrels
Noon: Start Some Seeds, DIY Eco Sink Scrub
11am-2pm: In-store: Learn about our new composting program!
Sampling (Times TBA):
Gaia Golden Milk
Slipstream Organic Granola
Kalona Sour Cream
Organic India Tea
Karma Kombucha
CADO Ice Cream
Shaktea Kombucha
Organic Valley Cheeses