- A slate of candidates for the upcoming board election was approved by the Board. With three candidates for three open seats, there will not be a contested election for seats on the 2018 Board of Directors. Instead, members will be asked to approve the slate of candidates approved by the Board during the Annual Meeting of the Members on Wednesday, October 25.
- Wheatsfield received an unqualified opinion on the financial audit performed recently by Wegner and Associates on the June 30, 2017 year-end financials. The Board will have the finished audit report at its September meeting and the results will be incorporated into the Annual Report that will be available at the Annual Meeting of the Members and on-line.
- Wheatsfield had strong sales in June and July with the truckload sale in June and the local food sale in July leading the way. Sales are trending over budget as we work to operate the expanded store at a level that is sustainable.
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