National Alliance on Mental Illness of Central Iowa
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Central Iowa supports, educates and advocates for individuals living with mental illness and their family members at no charge to the participants. The organization mainly serves Ames, ISU students and Story County residents though their educational classes, support groups and their Mental Health Wellness Center.
Offering weekly support groups for those living with mental illness, a monthly support group for family members, individual support, emergency financial loan assistance and other programs. General educational meetings for community members are held the third Tuesday of most months. Three different educational classes specifically designed for family members and individuals living with mental illness are regularly offered. There are no eligibility requirements, other than being affected by mental illness in some way. All age groups and individuals are welcome.
Panels of NAMI members help to train police and first responders on how to respond to a person displaying symptoms of mental illness. We advocate by contacting legislators on behalf of those affected by mental illness, and by being a part of the Story County Mental Health/Criminal Justice Task Force. Our goal is to erase stigma and raise awareness that these biological illnesses can be effectively treated.
Give Back Thursday: June 8
1% of Store Sales are donated to the monthly Co-op Nickel recipient on the second Thursday of the month.
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