Ron Eichmeier

Board Treasurer

Where did the Summer go? As you read this, we’re just past the Labor Day holiday, and will soon be enjoying a wonderful Autumn in Iowa. If you haven’t already done so, be sure to take some time to enjoy the weather, scenery, and all that Iowa has to offer with this season.

As a “sports guy,” one of my favorite fall activities is football. No matter who you root for, the pre-game tailgates, the games, and post-game celebrations provide us all with an opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new ones. Of course, as you plan tailgates and celebrations, don’t forget what Wheatsfield has to offer. Fresh and top-quality brats, burgers, and chicken from your Co-op should be on the menu. Add to that the best produce around, outstanding bakery products, and a great beverage selection; and you’re pretty much assured of having an impressive food experience. Of course, whether you tailgate or are just looking to provide a great meal for family and friends, Wheatsfield can provide you products second to none!

As the “news” part of this newsletter, I’d like to share some information with you; and make a request. First the information. The first registered cooperative (mutual fire insurance company) was formed in 1752 by Benjamin Franklin. On the food side, there were a number of Dairy & Cheese Cooperatives formed in 1810. Whether it’s fire insurance or food, the original co-op concept was “the power of many is stronger than that of any individual.” That concept still rings true today, however we see significant competition from other business models. For the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2019, Wheatsfield Co-op’s sales were down about 6% from the previous year, down about 10% from two years ago, and about 75% of the sales projected when the store improvement project was started. You are 1 of 6000+ Wheatsfield Co-op members, and about 4800 of you are active shoppers at your Co-op.

My request is that you consider making products purchased from Wheatsfield a higher percentage of your weekly food budget. For those of you who already purchase everything that you need here, a genuine THANK YOU. Be assured that it is greatly appreciated. For others, if there’s more you can do, please consider that. Quick math says that if 4800 members each spent another $10/week at the Co-op, annual sales would increase by $2,496,000 for the year. Increasing to $15 more/week moves the sales line up $3,744,000, and go a long way toward improving the “bottom line.” Truly an example of “the power of many.”

To wrap up, your past and continued support is greatly appreciated. We look forward to seeing you at the Wheatsfield Annual Meeting on October 22nd.