1. Wheatsfield’s financials remain strong, with a good cash position and May 2021 sales 3.61% over budget. As options for food and shopping expand again, we appreciate member-owners and shoppers continuing to choose Wheatsfield.
2. The board is seeking applicants for the upcoming annual Wheatsfield Co-op Board election! All member-owners are welcome to apply to be a candidate for the three open seats on the Board of Directors. Applications are available in store and downloadable here, and the 2021 application submission deadline is 11:59pm on Monday, August 23, 2021.
3. Student members of Wheatsfield are similarly encouraged to apply for the appointed advisory student seat on the Wheatsfield Co-op Board of Directors. Applications are also available in store and downloadable here, and the 2021 application submission deadline is 11:59pm on Monday, August 23, 2021.
4. The board reviewed Wheatsfield’s National Co-op Grocery (NCG) Participation Report for 2020. We were grateful to see that Wheatsfield had strong metrics and performed better than many other food co-ops during a volatile year with the pandemic. We continue to be appreciative for the incredible agility and dedication of staff in navigating operating the store during the pandemic and for shoppers in choosing Wheatsfield during this time.
5. Coffee with the board will be held this Saturday, June 19th from 11-1 pm outside the front of the store. We look forward to seeing you and sharing samples of local Picket Fence ice cream! Look for more store events in the coming months as we look for safe ways to connect again in-person and celebrate our resilient community!
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