Haskap Jam
Haskap is the Japanese name for Lornicera caerulea (Edible blue Honeysuckle). It is the “branding name” being used in North America to differentiate the newer varieties of edible honeysuckle. It is a circumpolar species native to northern boreal forests in Asia, Europe, and North America. It is mainly found in low lying wet areas or high in mountains.
Total Time: about 30 min
• 3 1/2 Cups of crushed haskap (honey berries)
• 3 cups sugar
•1 pkg. fruit pectin
•1/2 cup lemon juice
•1 tbsp butter
Put lemon juice and crushed fruit in a large 4-8 quart pot. Add fruit pectin and bring to a boil – stirring constantly to avoid scorching.
When mixture is at a rolling boil (one you cannot stir down) add sugar. Stir sugar in and once again bring to rolling boil. Boil at least 5 minutes then add butter.
Because this recipe uses a lot less sugar, you have to do a jelly test.
Using a metal spoon, dip into mixture. Hold about 12 inches above the pot. Turn spoon over. Jam has set at the point that the liquid will stop flowing and instead forms thick sheets that form long drops.
When it is set, remove from heat. Continue to stir to reduce foam. As you stir, skim off any foam.
Put in clean, sterilized jars and can per canner instructions.
Recipe sourced from The Berry Patch, by Lil Swatzky
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