World Fair Trade Day
Saturday, May 8, 2021
World Fair Trade Day is a global celebration on the second Saturday of May. When you choose authentic fair trade goods, your purchase casts a vote for small-scale farmers, producers, and artisans around the world. Learn more about fair trade and the benefits it provides to the producers and their communities.
It’s time to Build Back Fairer!
The Fair Trade movement has a solution. To rising inequality, to entrenched poverty, to gender discrimination, to environmental destruction. Recovering from the pandemic gives the world a chance not just to build back better, but build back fairer. When you’re shopping, look for Fair Trade logos on products like coffee, tea, bananas, chocolate, sugar, body care & more!
When you purchase fair trade goods you support fair trade principles:
Principle One: Creating Opportunities for Economically Disadvantaged Producers
Principle Two: Transparency and Accountability
Principle Three: Fair Trading Practices
Principle Four: Payment of a Fair Price
Principle Five: Ensuring no Child Labor and Forced Labor
Principle Six: Commitment to Non Discrimination, Gender Equity and Freedom of Association
Principle Seven: Ensuring Good Working Conditions
Principle Eight: Providing Capacity Building
Principle Nine: Promoting Fair Trade
Principle Ten: Respect for the Environment
Visit the links below to learn more!
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