1. The Board heard an update from management that the distribution of the preferred share dividend declared in July will be completed in the coming weeks with gift cards being distributed to those choosing that payment method and preferred share dividend checks being mailed the week of December 13.
  2. We welcomed three new board members, Becky Mattan Pratt, Cal Rebhuhn, and Emilie Ruehs, as well as student board member Derek Franklin.  We look forward to their contributions to the Board in the coming year.
  3. The Board had an extensive discussion about the Ames Climate Action Plan. As a co-op we are interested in participating and want more information about the possible scenarios. Board members attended the November CAP meeting and will also attend the CAP meeting on December 21.
  4. The Board reviewed 1Q2122 financials, the Wegner financial review, a revised budget, and a member loan debt summary from the Finance Committee from their November 17 meeting.

Thank you to our members and shoppers who have supported the co-op over the past year. Our co-op is successful because of your patronage. We wish you all a healthy and restful holiday season!