1. The Board finalized a vision statement for Wheatsfield Co-op, which is nested among the Mission and Core Values. The Vision reads: “Everyone’s favorite place to shop, learn, and connect.” This action completes the Board’s 2020-2021 update of the Mission, Vision, and Core Values.
2. Wheatsfield’s financials are strong, with rolling year-to-date sales 15.47% higher than the previous fiscal year and a strong cash position. Our current financial position has been driven by larger basket sizes and steadfast customer support during the pandemic. Thank you, members and shoppers!
3. The Board discussed the importance of the Co-op community in maintaining a safe environment for shopping during the pandemic. We extend our special thanks to the Wheatsfield staff – from the managers to the cashiers and all other staff – for their diligence and leadership in this effort. Thank you, staff!