Every other Tuesday* our Co+op Deals and Member-Owner Extras sales flyers overlap! You save on last week’s flyers and the upcoming week’s flyers at the same time! See this week’s deals! *There is the occasional three week sale cycle.Â
Get ready to stock up and save! Stock your pantry with all your favorite bulk staples and save 15%! Stock up on beans, seeds, nuts, dried fruit, grains, granolas, chocolates, candy, coffees, teas, herbs and spices, bulk body care, bulk cleaning supplies and more! Save off regular prices, excludes Co+op Deals and Co+op Basics already [...]
Every other Tuesday* our Co+op Deals and Member-Owner Extras sales flyers overlap! You save on last week’s flyers and the upcoming week’s flyers at the same time! See this week’s deals! *There is the occasional three week sale cycle.Â
2023 Annual Meeting of the Members Tuesday, October 17 | 5:30-8pm Torrent Brewing Company Free Event – Cash Bar Join us for the Annual Meeting of the Members! Enjoy meeting with other member-owners, friends, and neighbors, share a meal of chili and extras provided by Wheatsfield, enjoy Torrent’s selection of craft beverages, and learn about [...]
Saturday, October 28 11am-1pm Bring the kiddos for our 8th Annual Trick-or-Treat at the Co-op. Trick-or-treat stations will be set up all around the store with plenty of goodies. Costumes encouraged!
Every other Tuesday* our Co+op Deals and Member-Owner Extras sales flyers overlap! You save on last week’s flyers and the upcoming week’s flyers at the same time! See this week’s deals! *There is the occasional three week sale cycle.Â